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The Clean 9 Program can help you jumpstart your journey to a slimmer, healthier you. This effective, easy-to-follow cleansing program will give you the tools you need to start transforming your body today.

Over the next 9 days, you can expect to look better and feel better and begin to eliminate stored toxins that may be keeping you from absorbing the maximum nutrients in your food. You’ll also begin to feel lighter and more energized as you prove you can take control of your appetite and see your body begin to change.

Clean9 (C9) is a weight management program that lasts for 9days and helps you get rid of weight basically in areas like your Tummy,Arms and all over the body where excess fats are stored. It also suppresses your appetite for food and inhibits the excess production of calories from fats and carbohydrates. It works within 9days and won’t need to continue if you aren’t so big. One would lose between 5-10kg or more with one pack in 9 days. But there is a continued fifteen days (15) program called F15 to whom wants to loose more kilos or fats in the body.

Clean9 is made up of strictly natural nutritional ingredients.

Has No negative side effects and detoxifies you as well.

Clean9 (C9) is a Natural Fat loss pack and it contains the following components:

2 bottles of Aloe Vera Gel
  which detoxifies and aids digestive health;

1 Lite Ultra with Aminotein
 ( Meal Replacement Shake) that curbs hunger and is a complete meal at just 90calories;

1 x Forever Garcinia Plus (54 softgels)
  that aid breakdown of body fat and inhibits conversion of carbohydrates to fat;

1 x Forever Therm (18 tablets)
 help boost your energy levels and kick-start metabolism, helping you on your weight-loss journey

1 x Forever Fibre (9 packets)
  which help to support your optimal health and digestive function naturally

A booklet that gives guidance on how to embark on this 9days program.

1 x Tape Measure


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